How to add special operating or closing hours on a global level

You may want to add special operating hours for your entire venue location.

Go to Settings > Locations > Dates.

Click "Add Date".

You can add the details for your special operating hours below.

Fields meaning:

NAME: Label for special operating hours, described why they venue hours are changing

FROM /TO: Dates for the for the special hours to apply to.

DAYS: If you leave unselected, it will apply the changed opening hours to all days within the date range. If you wanted to do only specific days within a date range, e.g. Saturday and Sunday in January, you could tag "Saturday" and "Sunday" in this field.

CLOSED: Switching this ON will close the entire venue for the date specified.

OVERRIDE OTHER DATE: Switching this ON will override any other special operating hour settings, that you may have turned on.

HOURLY RESOURCES START ON THE HOUR: Any hourly resources will start on the hour regardless of opening time. If you don't have that set and open at 9:30am then the hourly resources start at 9:30. if you want them to start at 10am automatically then you can turn that on. This only works if the interval type "Hours" is in use.

OPENING TIME & CLOSING TIME: Times for the special hours to change to.

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