How to change the display order of the POS categories and sub-categories

You may want to change the display order of categories and sub-categories in the POS to make it easier for your staff to find popular categories of products.

e.g. The following "Drinks" category contains the sub-categories"

  • Barista Drinks
  • Fridge Drinks
  • Alchohol

Go to Operations > POS Facilities. Select the POS Facility that contains the sub-categories you want to change the order of.

Currently the "Priority" are set as:

  • Barista Drinks = 2
  • Fridge Drinks = 3
  • Alcohol = 6

  • Drinks = 1

To change the order, edit the priority, the lowest number will display first.

Below I've changed the Priority of Alcohol to "1".

Our display order how has "Alcohol" sub-category first.

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