How to change the display order of the POS Attributes

You may want to change the display order of the attributes within your POS.

In the below example, attributes are ordered by:

  • Size
  • Milk
  • Add-ons

To change the order you will need to login to backoffice and go to Operations > POS Facilities.

Select the POS Facility that contains the Categories you want to display the order. In the below example, the categories are held within "Cafe".

Select "Categories", find the category you need to modify (e.g. "Barista Drinks") and click "Edit".

"Position" field will set the display order.

1 = Size

2 = Milk

3 = Add-ons

To change the order click "edit".

You can change the display Position of the attribute category or attribute product within "Details. Click "Save" once you've made your changes.

Note - you can also excluded products from displaying for specific products. E.g. Barista Drinks like Piccolo which do not come in multiple sizes can be excluded from displaying.

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