How to find, cancel, refund or print past Orders

You can find past Orders by clicking the "Orders" icon on the right-sidebar. 

This will display your past "Orders". 

You have the choice to filter the list of orders by a number of fields (e.g. Status, Terminal, Served By) if you would like to search for a particular order. 

You can also:

"Print" = Print a copy of an Order. Reprint a receipt of the order or counter/kitchen dockets.

"PDF View" = View on screen a copy of the Order. View on screen a receipt of the order or counter/kitchen dockets.

"Cancel Order" = [note - requires supervisor PIN]

"Refund" = [note - requires supervisor PIN]

Manual Refunding can be done by clicking the "Refund" button. 

Do not use the Refund button for terminal refunds (see steps below).

Once the "Supervisor PIN" has been entered, the "Refund Amount" can be entered up to the "Max refund amount" of the order. 

"Payment Method" can selected and if okay you can select the blue "Refund" button. 

If the refund has been successfully added, you will be notified and the order payment updated.

Refunding bank terminal payments

To refund bank terminal transactions, you need to bring the order up in the POS and there is a refund icon next to the transaction. 

Do not use the Refund button. That is for manual refunds, where you may want to refund with cash instead of "Eftpost payment".

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