How to create, use and merge Tabs

Creating Tabs

Method #1

1. Go to the left sidebar and click "Tabs". 

Create a tab by clicking "Add New Tab". 

2. Complete the "Add New Tabs" details

Method #2

1. After you have added products to your list and clicked the "Checkout" button you are taken to the "Choose payment" screen. 

Choose "Add to Tab". 

Select "Add New Tab". 

Add your tab details and click "Save". 

Reviewing orders within a Tab

Click on the "tabs" menu icon.

You can view all the "Orders" within the tab. 

"Receipt" = print the receipt

"PDF View" = view the receipt on screen

You can "Edit" the:

- Customer Details

- Tab Details

- Note

You can also transact by:

"Add to tab" = add another order to the tab (will return you to the POS categories)

"Checkout" = will take you to "Choose payment method" to get the tab settled. (Note - discounts cannot be applied to final tabs).

How to merge tabs

1. Click "Merge tabs" button. 

2. Select the Tabs you want to merge by clicking on the boxes. 

When selected correctly, it will display a tick in the right corner and highlight the Tab. 

Click the yellow "Merge Tabs" button 

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