How to search add products onto your POS.

1. Open your back office using your unique URL.

2. Click on Operations> POS Facilities > Create New POS Facility 

3. Name your POS (e.g. Cafe)  and enter in the required fields.  

4. Go to 'Categories' tab, click on '+ New Category' and enter the categories you need for your POS products.

5. Go to 'Products' tab and click '+New Product'.

6. Add in all relevant information to your new product. Make sure you add the product name, cost and what category the product belongs in. You can also choose to upload a photo here too.

7. If you want to add a modification to this product select 'Add Attribute' at the bottom of the page. Give your modification a heading (e.g. Flavours). Select if multiple modifications can be used at once (e.g. No), and then select if the choice is required (e.g. Yes).  Here under the 'retail' selection you can select if you want this modification to be at an additional cost.  

Click on 'Launch POS' in the top right hand corner of back office. 

Check out your new products on the POS end!

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