How to view Orders

1. Hover over "Orders" in the menu and on the sub-menu click "View Orders".

2. You will get a display of all your "Orders". You can use the input fields "Order #", "First Name" and "Last Name" to find specific orders. "Advanced" fields gives you further fields to filter down the orders to find a specific one. 

You can also click the items in the tables header row (e.g. "CREATED", "AMOUNT", "DELIVERY" etc) to sort the table into ascending or decending order. 

To view the details of an individual order you can click on the blue "ORDER #" link (e.g. 4743) or click on the 3 dots on the right-side and click "View". 

3. Within the individual order you can review a number of details including the booking, amendments, emails and notes for the guest.

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