Create a new order in Backoffice

There a situation in your venue when you want to take a guest order in Backoffice and not at the POS (point of sale). Typically this will be when guests ring your office phone number that is away from your front desk check-in area POS. 

To create a new order in VenueSumo's Backoffice:

1. Login to VenueSumo Backoffice with your credentials.

2. Navigate in the left sidebar menu to "Orders" and hover over the icon to make the sub-menu appear. Select "Create New Order". 

3. You will be taken to "Product Type" in the "Create Order" process. Click the "Choose Type" drop down menu to choose from the different product types that you have created in your venue configuration. 

4. Find the product you would like to purchase for this order and click the corresponding "Select" button. 

5. Then choose the available time you would like to book the order. If the product is a combination ticket, that contains multiple products, choose the first time the guest will arrive at the venue for the time. Click the "Select" button that corresponds with the desired time.

6. Add the booking details by choosing how many product tickets the order requires. Depending on your product configuration, you may have "Extras" that can be added to the products purchase.

When you have added your booking details, you can click the "Add to Cart" button to add the product to your order. 

7. Your order is now ready for payment. Add the guests "First Name", "Last Name", "Phone Number" and "Email". If the guest refuses to provide phone number and email, you can check the "Refused" box. If the guest is an existing customer, click the "select member" link and search using their name to allocate the order to them. The "Send confirmation email" is checked by default, but you can uncheck if you do not with the guest to receive email confirmations for this order. 

Within "Order Summary" you can review details to confirm with the guest verbally, cancel the order (to start again just click "Cancel") or change the "Due Now" amount. Click "Change Amount" to revise the amount being paid now. 

Next you need to select the payment method from "Split Bill", "Complimentary", "Over Counter", "On Account" and "Online Credit Card":

  • Split Bill - allows you to split the payable now amount across "Over Counter" or "On Account". 
  • Complimentary - allows you to provide complimentary tickets to guests, but you must supply a valid reason. 
  • Over Counter - allows for over the counter payments made typically Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, EFT Bank Transfer or EFTPOS
  • On Account - allows for the payment to be put through 
  • Online Credit Card - allows for you to enter a credit card from the guest manually (Fields are "Name on Card", "Card Number", "Expiry Date", "CCV". 

8. Now your order is confirmed, you can click either "View Order" or "View Booking" to double check the details you've just entered are correct or "New Order" to create another order. 

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