How to Create Staff Logins

  1. Go to Settings > Logins here you can view current logins. To create a new one click " + New login" in the top right hand corner.

  1. Fill out the fields

  • Username = Name used to login
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Login in type = choose based of what premissions you would like the staff member to have
  • Password
  • Pin Code = 4 digit pin used to login to the POS
  • Reset Password = If you want your staff to reset their own password upon first log in
  • Allow Online Refund = Gives the user the ability to facilitate refunds in the back office from online orders
  • Tick the correct location
  • POS details are ONLY necessarry for "POS terminal" logins, not staff

  1. Save your changes

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