Tipping Options

VenueSumo offers two different types of tipping options to set up at your venue.

Option 1: Tipping via Payment Terminal

  • Tipping via terminal allows the customer to tip via pressing a button on their payment terminal. This option only allows for the set tipping amounts that payment terminal has set. VenueSumo cannot not alter this amount

  • This option also allows only for a tip to be made at payment, not at the end of the event. You can also only tip based on the remaining balance that is being displayed on the terminal, not the entire value of the event.

  • This is a self service tipping expirence that does not require staff to conduct the tipping process.

Option 2: Tipping via VenueSumo POS

  • Tipping via VenueSumo allows the flexibility to set custom percentages for your venue.

  • Tipping via VenueSumo allows the ability to set different tipping pools ( e.g. indvidual staff, group pool)

  • Tipping via VenueSumo allows you the flexibility to tip on both the remianing balance or the entire order.
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