How to test POS terminal is connected to the correct payment terminal

To ensure that your payment terminal is paired with the correct POS terminal login, we need to test the "Card" payments are pushing to the correct payment terminal.

Follow the steps below to conduct a test to confirm if payment terminals are correctly paired and prepared for use.

Things you'll need to conduct this test:

  • VenueSumo POS Terminal login details;
  • Paymen terminals paired within VenueSumo; and
  • VenueSumo POS Terminal login has paired Payment Terminal added to it.

You're ready to test if your POS terminal is connected to the correct payment terminal.

  1. Login to you POS terminal you want to test with the credentials supplied by VS Support. (URL ends in

  2. Add any product to your checkout, click on "Checkout" button.

  3. Choose payment method "Card".

  4. Then click "Pay in full"

  5. If the payment terminal has been successfully paired and connected to this POS terminal, your payment device should light up with the price.

    If you have an error message, please screenshot and send to VS Support with information on the steps you've taken.

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