Adding POS Products With Stock Item Tracking

Step by step instructions on how to add a product to sell within your POS and setup stock item tracking.

Part 1 - Add Product

Access POS Facilities

  • Open the POS Facilities in the system.
  • Choose the specific location, e.g., "Cafe."

Add a Product

  • Click on the "Add Product" button located at the top right corner.
  • Specify product details:
    • Product name (e.g., chocolate bar).
    • Set priority.
    • Fill in necessary fields.
    • Assign a category.

Leave Stock Item Field Blank

  • Note: Leave the stock item field blank for now.

Set Price and Save

  • Set the price, e.g., "$3."
  • Click "Save."

Check Product Display

  • Launch the POS interface.
  • Check if the product displays correctly under the desired category, e.g., "Snacks."

Upload Image (Optional)

  • If desired, upload an image for the product within the product information section.

Part 2 - Add Stock Item & Connect to Product.

Add Stock Item

  • Access the stock management section.
  • Select the relevant supplier or add a new supplier if necessary.
  • Fill in supplier details.
  • Check the "Track Stock" option.
  • Enter purchase price, barcode, low quantity warning, and surplus warning.
  • Save the stock item.

Conduct Stock Take

  • Perform a stock take to record the current quantity of the product in the store.
  • Enter the stock name, and the relevant code should appear.
  • Input the current quantity, e.g., "200 bars."

Complete Stock Take

  • Complete the stock take process, acknowledging any warnings.

Connect Stock Item to Product

  • Return to POS Facilities.
  • Access the product previously created.
  • Open the dropdown menu for the stock item field.
  • Select the corresponding stock item (e.g., "chocolate bar").
  • Save the changes.

Verify Product Setup Has Worked.

  • Refresh the POS interface.
  • Confirm that the product is connected to the stock item.
  • Check the remaining quantity displayed in the bottom right corner.

Test Transaction

  • Conduct a test transaction, e.g., buy a few units of the product.
  • Verify that the stock quantity decreases accordingly.
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