How to add a new message

Some venues want to display messages like upgrades, deals etc. Adding a system message on your booking site is easy via VenueSumo.

  1. Go to Settings > Locations > 'Messages' tab

  1. In the 'Messages' tab you can view created messages and you can add a new one by clicking 'New'

  1. Fill in the fields

  • Type in the message that you want to display
  • Choose if you want it to be active currently
  • Choose where you would like it to display

  • Choose which facilities you would like the message to appear. If you would like it to be sitewide leave this blank.
  • If it is event specific link it in the 'Events' field
  • If there is specific days or a date range you would like it to appear enter restrictions under 'Dates'

  1. Make sure to save your changes and check out your new message!

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