How to set special operating days and hours

Some venues have modifided hours for days like public holidays, late night events or school holidays etc. With VenueSumo you have the flexibility to create special operating days or hours for specific one off occasions.

  1. Go to Settings > Location > "Dates" Tab

  1. View and edit existing special hours and days by clicking the "3 dot symbol" on the right hand side. In addtion you can create a new special time by clicking on "Add Date"

  1. Fill in the fields
  • An example of created a public holiday date in which you are closed, you would select date and toggle 'close'.

  • An example of extending hours for a special event you would select the date and add in the new 'opening' and 'closing' times

  • An example of extended School Holiday hours, you could select the time period, days affected & time

  1. Make sure you save your changes!
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