How to add a booking question to a facility

Booking questions are a way to gather information about your customer before entering the venue. These can be admin only or asked before checkout on the booking site. This article is a how to on adding a booking question to specific facilities. You can also add booking questions in the global settings, which pushes the questions to every facility product booked.

  1. To set up a booking question for a facility go to Operations > Facility > choose the facility of choice.

  1. Go to the tab "Questions", here you can view current booking questions or create a new one.

  1. When adding a new question fill in the fields.

Mandatory fields include:

  • Name = Name of voucher
  • Question Number = Display order in customer facing site
  • Question = what the question will be

Other Fields:

  • Type = (answer of the question) Text, drop down list, number etc
  • Question Heading= Premade groups made in the "Forms" category in back office
  • Active (IF YES)= Will show up in booking flow
  • Active (IF NO) = Will not show up in booking flow
  • Max Length = How many characters allowed in answer
  • Rows = How many rows allowed in answer
  • Required (If YES) = Customer or staff cannot move forward in booking flow without answering the question
  • Required (If NO) = Customer or staff can move forward in booking flow without answering the question
  • Admin (If YES) = Staff can only answer this question in the back office in booking flow
  • Admin (If NO) = Staff and customers can answer this question in the back office and booking site in booking flow
  • Hide on email / receipt (If YES) = Customers will not see the answer to the question/s upon confimation
  • Hide on email / receipt (If NO) = Customers will see the answer to the question/s upon confimation
  • Use for search = The answer of the question will show up in the global search results in the back office.
  • Linked Products = Question will only show up if the like product has been selected in the facility

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