How to add a session voucher to a facility

VenueSumo's session vouchers are passes you can purchase for a facility that can be redeemed at a later date. Unlike giftcards that are a numeric value, session vouchers are activity focused. They can be used to upsell products + activites or sell a multi-visit pass.

  1. To set up a session voucher for a facility go to Operations > Facility > choose the facility of choice.

  1. Go to the tab "Vouchers", here you can view current session vouchers or create a new one.

  1. When adding a new voucher fill in the fields.

Mandatory fields include:

  • Name = Name of voucher
  • Priority = Display order in customer facing site
  • Session QTY = How many sessions can be redeemed from this voucher
  • Voucher prefix = First values of the voucher e.g VSSLFH68
  • Cost = Cost ofthe entire session voucher
  • Linked products = Select the products in which the voucher will be drawing its ticket from

Other Fields:

  • Categories = What category the voucher is grouped in
  • Extra Info = short sentence that is displayed next to the voucher prior to purchase
  • Unlimited sessions (If YES) = can be a pass that can be used unlimited amount of times in a date period.
  • Unlimited sessions (If NO) = can be a pass that can be used limited amount of times in a date period.
  • Expiry months = how many months until the pass expires.
  • Last day of month (If YES) = If the pass expires at the end of the month
  • Last day of month (If NO) = If the pass expires at exactly (x) months from purchase date
  • Member Cost = different price for members of the venue
  • Delivery type = if your offering delivery / email / pick up.
  • Restrictions = certain days that the voucher can't be redeemed.
  • Image = Uplaod a image for the customer facing site

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