How to add a POS category & Subcategory

You may want to organise your POS based on categories such as 'Food', 'Drinks', 'Coffee' or 'Sweets'.

  1. To create create a new product category go to Operations > POS Facility > Choose your facility.

  1. Choose the "Categories" tab and click "+ New Category"

  1. Fill Out the fields

  • Name = Name of category
  • Colour = What colour you want the products in this category to be
  • Priority = Controlls the display order of the category
  • Is subcategory (If YES) = Will show up inside the category to further group the products into subsections
  • Is subcategory (If NO) = Will show up in the POS facility menu on the left hand side of POS
Pictured: Categories in POS
Pictured: Subcategories "alcohol" & "Barista Drinks" in POS
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